Outlaws BBQ Shoot Out March 1-2 2019
We are hosting a BBQ Cookoff to benefit officer CJ Lehmann.. All proceeds will go to CJ and his family.. Friday night we will have jackpot categories Saturday will be the 3 meat competition Brisket Ribs Chicken.. There will be a Bake sale a 50/50 drawing a live auction and DJ Jason Haass will be laying the beats down..
We will be needing judges for Friday and Saturday. So if you don’t wanna cook but want to judge some or all the entries come on out.. we will have chop beef sandwiches for sale on Saturday.. if anyone is interested in donating a auction item or some baked goods let us know.. come hang out both days and let’s raise some money for a great friend…
Round Top / Warrenton Antique shows, Fall Shows for 2018 Sept. 21st. to Oct. 7th.
Tent and outdoor space. Food vendor space for rent also at the Das Gruene Haus 4418 SH-237, Warrenton Tx. On site parking. New mens and womems restrooms. Also we have mens and womens showers and laundry room each one rents for $5.00. We also have a new BBQ restaurant on the property called Outlaws BBQ now you have easy access to some great Texas smoked BBQ, Outlaw Style Baby!
The property has new owners, Shane & Sharon Hoffman at 979-540-0712. Contact us for prices on whatever size you need.